Registration of new children

The primary proof of the work of the entire SmartKids Karlovy Vary Team is the great interest in our preschool language facility. We also register children all year round, if the capacity of the facility allows it.

Basic information

Basic information

Please declare your interest in attending our preschool facility by filling out the Registration Card. If we register in the school year průvěhu your registration card, your interest in the attendance of the child, if you make space contacted with Braille attendance according to the waiting list. 

The standard admission process is the Registration of New Children, which we publish every year in the second half of May, with the possibility of entry and gradual adaptation from 1 July of the given year. It is also possible to use the web contact form to register new children.

If you are considering or already have a clear interest in visiting our preschool facility, do not hesitate to contact us: using the contact form on the website, by phone, email or via social networks. We look forward to meeting you!

Condition for registration

Will be accepted children who underwent mandatory vaccination, have proof that they are immune to infection or vaccination can not be subjected to permanent contraindication as required by § 50 of Act No. 258/2000 Coll., On public health protection

Teaching preschool children

We intensively prepare preschool children for primary school

We provide pre-school education and care for children from 2 years to 6 years of age. We decide on admission primarily on the basis of the current capacity of the preschool facility. The age and sex of the child are also primary for us so that the representation of children is balanced. We prefer to accept children interested in full-time attendance.

We evaluate the admission of a child with a disability on the basis of an expert assessment and a written statement from a school counseling facility or a registering general practitioner for children and adolescents.
In order to accept a child for attendance, it is necessary to deliver a completed Registration Card and a Certificate of Vaccination declared by the pediatrician.

Additional information

Preschool education is compulsory for a child who in the beginning of the current school year will complete five years.
Compulsory preschool education applies according to § 34 par. 1 of the Education Act to citizens of the Czech Republic who stay in the Czech Republic for more than 90 days and to citizens of another EU Member State who stay in the Czech Republic for more than 90 days and to other foreigners, who are entitled to reside in the territory of the Czech Republic permanently or temporarily for a period longer than 90 days and also to participants in proceedings for the granting of international protection.
Compulsory pre-school education does not apply to children with severe mental disabilities.

Are we interested in you?

We are pleased, fill in the contact form or get in touch with us by e-mail and you will be a part of it soon!